Sunday, December 30, 2007

African spinach stew

This is spicy African comfort food that can be prepared in just a few minutes. When it is cold and dreary outside, which describes most winter days in Seattle, there's nothing like this stew over hot, steaming rice!

1 large bunch spinach, chopped
1 large ripe tomato, chopped
1/4 cup good creamy peanut butter (at room temp.)
4 tbsp toasted peanuts
4-5 red chillies
1 tbsp oil
salt to taste

Heat oil in a wide sauce pan, crumble the red chillies into pieces and saute. Add the tomatoes and cook until soft. Then add the chopped spinach and cook for a few minutes until cooked.
Make room in the center of the pan and add the peanut butter and half a cup or so of water. Stir on low heat till the peanut butter has melted and then combine with the spinach to form a thick sauce or rather stew. You may need to add more water and/or as needed.
Turn off the heat and sprinkle with peanuts and spoon immediately over steamy white rice.

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